My sister left an interesting post on her face book page that made me think about what the Fourth of July represents. She post, "My son is asking everyone if they know the meaning behind the 4th of July, and so far no one has come up with a suitable answer. It's not just about a celebration to him. It's about the education." I was so preoccupied that I had not given much thought on what we were celebrating. I knew the date and made plans to spend the evening with family and friends.
What does it all Mean
When I saw this post it made me think of what it actually means to me. So I conducted a little research and this is what I discovered. I will shared my meaning first.
My definition of Independence Day -
My understanding of the fourth of July stands for America's Independence. Since becoming a continent America became an industry leader. It establish laws and a new democracy. Its about celebrating independence on the development for freedom and equality for Americans.
This day can represent different meaning to everyone by a person's interpretation of the meaning behind the day. Then after you learn about it in school you enter the large world and we forget about sacrifices. It gives us hope and something to work for as we have the same chance as anyone to take over the world. Brain said it best when he tells Pinky that he is pondering to take over the world everyday. I am on the same mission.
Verenice Castillo, husband is a squadron commander for the Air Force. She feels that its a day for gathering and barbequing with family and friends. Verenice celebrates this day with appreciation and gratitude for her freedom. She is grateful for those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. The celebration is her way of honoring armed services that protects our freedom.
American Thinker's Definitions
Cooper (2013) defines it as a celebration for the birth of the United States of America. Individuals who truly understand this concept and those who are serving or who had served in the military. Chris Kyle, an ex Navy SEAL feels that freedom is not free and that red in the United States flag represents all the blood that was shed by those defending our country.The next generation understands the reason for celebrating the holiday These individuals are grateful to those who believe in the values and honored our country by sacrificing their own lives to protect American's back home.Verenice Castillo, husband is a squadron commander for the Air Force. She feels that its a day for gathering and barbequing with family and friends. Verenice celebrates this day with appreciation and gratitude for her freedom. She is grateful for those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. The celebration is her way of honoring armed services that protects our freedom.
Kathy Stainaker, husband was shot in the Fort Hood shootings and Shawn Manning was shot numerous times. They are grateful for their independence and Kathy would celebrate the day as other American's. However, the sounds of fireworks and loud noises reminds them of their injuries and the memories of those who lost their lives at Fort Hood.
Anglea's, husband is a lieutenant colonel and enjoys raising her children on an army base. She believes children raised this way are very patriotic since they are taught this daily.The traditions, include standing at attention when the flag is raised and lowered.
All these answers are correct in essence as we should remember why it is called Independence Day. The celebration is not about the barbeques or fireworks. It is about our freedom, our actions, and honoring those who sacrificed their lives for us.
Cooper, E. (2013, July). The Meaning of Independence Day. American Thinkers,
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